• Alcoholism Test

    12.09.2014 143 1

    Do you have a drinking problem? This online alcoholism test helps you become aware of your use or abuse of alcohol. The test focuses strictly on drinking alcohol and not on other drug use. The alcoholism screening test questions below are used by Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Baltimore, Md., in deciding whether or not a patient is an alcoholic.

  • Internet Addiction Test

    12.09.2014 312 0

    This Internet addiction screening test can help determine whether you might be spending way too much time on the Internet (to the point where your internet use is impacting various areas of your life). Use the results to decide if you need to see a doctor or other mental health professional to further discuss your addictive use of the Internet.

  • Facebook Addiction Test

    19.12.2014 21 0

    Facebook is the number one social media site online, with about a gazillion and a half active users. Facebook left competitors MySpace and Friendster in the dust. Everyone and their grandma (literally!) is now on Facebook, feverishly typing their status updates. But with the rise of Facebook has come a new clinical diagnosis: Facebook addiction!