A huge collection of crosswords on different topics.
Many scanwords on diffrent size and complexity.
Interesting nonograms from small to large field size.
Colored nonograms
Beautiful colored nonograms for the fans.
Interesting fillwords puzzles to find the words.
Popular puzzle with numbers of different level of complexity.
Find the words to create an Exely slogan "Direct Drive for Your Hotel Sales"
Bulmaca, oyuncuların kare bir ızgarayı verilen ipuçlarına göre hem yatay hem de dikey olarak sığacak kelimelerle doldurduğu bir kelime oyunudur. Her hücrede bir harf bulunur ve oyuncunun görevi ipuçlarını çözmek ve kelimeleri doğru şekilde doldurmaktır. Bulmacaların zorluğu, ızgara boyutuna ve ipucu karmaşıklığına bağlı olarak kolaydan zora doğru değişebilir. Bu bulmacanın başarılı bir şekilde tamamlanması için sözcük bilgisi ve mantıksal becerilerin bir kombinasyonu gerekir. Bulmaca meraklıları, gazetelerde, dergilerde ve çevrimiçi platformlarda popüler olan bu bulmacaları çözmekten sıklıkla keyif alıyor ve zihinsel uyarım buluyor.
A crossword puzzle is a word game where players fill a square grid with words that fit both horizontally and vertically based on given clues. Each cell contains a letter, and the player's task is to decipher the clues and correctly fill in the words. The difficulty of crossword puzzles can vary from easy to challenging, depending on the grid size and clue complexity. This puzzle requires a combination of lexical knowledge and logical skills for successful completion. Crossword enthusiasts often find enjoyment and mental stimulation in solving these puzzles, which are popular in newspapers, magazines, and online platforms.
Here you will meet the names of animals from kemono friends in Japanese. Please disable auto-translate if you have it enabled.
Welcome to crossword puzzle! WORD SEARCH_Topic Focus: World Earth Day_ Find all the Earth Day related words. The words can be up and down.
Welcome to the SPACE WORDSEARCH PUZZLE. Topic Focus: Space & Solar System
A simple crossword puzzle to test knowledge of the basics of Python definitions.
krossword for community of zetachain, based on general knowledge of whitepapper and official documents.
An die Worte von Erich Maria Remarque erinnernd, dass „man in dunklen Zeiten helle Menschen deutlich sehen kann“, möchte ich Ihnen für das Licht und die Wärme Ihrer Taten und Ihrer Herzen danken, die Sie unermüdlich der Ukraine und den Ukrainern in dieser, von Herausforderungen und Leid erfüllten Zeit schenken.
This fillword based on English world 6th book, vocabulary part3.
This crossword based on unit 1, English world 5. Contains useful vocabulary for kids.
This fillword based on unit 11of English world 4. Created to help kids to sucssed the new vocabulary, related to the unit.
This crossword for kids. About Inkas and their habbits. Based on unit 8 English world 4.
This fillboard based on unit 8 from english world for kids. Suitable for practice and learn vocabulary.
This crossword based on unit 7; English world 4. About explorers around the world.
This crossword based on vocabulary from English world 4 book. Unit 7
The fillword has some vocabulary on the topic ''the Republic of Khakassia''
Let's see how well you know the wonderful Axelar Network? Score 9 points or more and get a certificate of passing the test)
This crossword is based on vocabulary about crafts and handmade product. Adapted for kids. Level Elementary.
This crossword is based on vocabulary related to ocean and lake birds
Кроссворд по английскому языку для 9 класса по теме "Art & Literature" (Form 9, Module 5). УМК: «Spotlight 9». Авторы: Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Дженни, Подоляко О.Е., Эванс В.
В данном кроссворде вам необходимо найти и выделить некоторые неправильные глаголы английского языка. (Присутсвуют глаголы как 1, 2, так и 3 формы)
Проверьте свои знания о новом проекте Mina Protocol - самом легком блокчейне на Земле)
Раздел 2 учебника О.В.Афанасьевой и И.В.Михеевой, 10 класс. Тема "Мировые религии". Повторение лексики.
This is scanword based on BBC tv show about Mediterranean.
Short travel stories for English learners by Rhys Joseph. Crossword based on this book.
Write the words (among those that we have already covered) according to their meanings/synonyms.
Let's find the numders 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90.
Английский язык, для 10-11 класса. Кроссворд на закрепление слов по теме "Arts and Crafts"
Words connected with St.Valentine's Day, love
Кроссворд содержит вопросы по теме "News Stories"
To create an online crossword available for all classmates and to get to know them with distinct species
мини-кроссворд по английскому языку "Времена года и погода"